St Anthony Road, 21 August 2023

Gateway to Valhalla! See elsewhere on this blog for further fatuous remarks and spurious assertions regarding Sheffield and Norse-Germanic mythology.

It’s obviously not the real gateway to Valhalla, is it? But leaving aside the issue that there is no such place as the majestic hall of the slain outside of myth-making imagination, there used to be a family living in these parts whose car was adorned with Runic stickers, and there are other examples of Rune-based sticker art to be found on lamp posts and other metallic surfaces in the area.

It’s also an example of the neighbourhood practice of leaving stuff out on the pavement as an offering to passersby, which seems to work quite well, unless it starts raining.

We’ve had a lot of rain this year, rendering recycled children’s books in other parts of Crookes a sodden, pulpy mess.

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