Mound ov Krekja, 1 July 2023

This publication was left on the stone wall that separates the Mound ov Krekja from the field of bright yellow flowers in due season. I associate it with the offerings made in the hollow of a particular tree on the mound, which I have attributed to ‘teenage witches.’ Examples of these offerings can be found elsewhere on this blog.

‘Getting By’ by the Sad Ghost Club seems to speak of existential angst rather than a young person’s take on folk religion but the world views are not necessarily mutually exclusive when you consider that they both share a longing for transcendence at their core.

The whole area has something of a history as an eccentric outdoor library. Some 25 years ago, a printed copy of John Dee’s ‘De Heptrachia Mystica’ could be found in another hollow tree near the base of the mound.

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